From Village to Late Republic - 753BCE to 121BCE
From 121BCE onwards, the political fortunes of Rome were denominated by powerful leaders.
Marius - the military reformer; Sulla - the dictator; Cicero - the lawyer, orator and consul and Caesar, who appointed himself dictator in 453BCE.
When the Roman fleet destroyed the Egyptians at the Battle of Actium, Augustus became the first Roman Emperor. The rule of the Julio-Claudia emperors, notably Caligula and Nero, were a disgrace.
During the period of the Five Good Emperors - Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninius Pius and Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Empire was at its greatest. Eventually, Vandals, Goths, Bergundians and Alani invaded and the Empire finally fell in 476BCE.
Rome From Village to Late Republic 753-121 BCE
Geographical Setting
The Kingdom of Rome Etruscan Kings
Politics in The Early Republic The Military
Highways Architecture & Engineering Religion Life In The City
The Punic Wars The Gracchus Brothers
SENIOR: Ancient Society & Culture - People Place & Time
JUNIOR: A Society & Civilisation of the Past
DURATION: 59 Minutes
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00:00 Introduction
1:24 Geographical Setting
1:59 Marius & Sulla
7:49 Julius Caesar
13:04 The Emergence of Augustus
16:41 The Reign of Augustus
24:01 Commerce & Society in the Roman Empire
30:46 Tiberius to Nero
35:11 Vespasian and the Colosseum
40:14 Pompeii and Herculaneum
48:48 The Five Good Emperors 96-180 AD
54:07 The Fall of the Roman Empire