The Weimar Republic
The Weimar Republic was established in 1919 to replace Germany's imperial form of government. Over 14 years, the Republic was faced with numerous problems, including hyperinflation and political extremists from both the left and right, together with their paramilitaries.
The government encountered hostility from the victorious nations of WWI, and had to conform to the requirments of the Treaty of Versailles. This period of liberal democracy lapsed in the early 1930s, leading to the ascent of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler in 1933.
DURATION: 28 Minutes Produced by Project Studio, Rudiger Proske GmbH, Germany and Infodig Media, Australia
Democratic Government - Treaty of Versailles - Kapp Putsch - Rapallo Treaty - Ruhr Invasion - Beer Hall Putsch - Locarno Treaty - Art & Culture - Great Depression - Rise of the Nazi Party
JUNIOR: The shaping of the Modern World - Time, Continuity & Change
SENIOR: Modern History - 20th Century History 1900 -1945 - National History & Studies - Historical Trends & Movements
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0:00 Introduction
00:46 The End of World War I
2:52 Two Revolutions - Democratic Government and Constitution
6:01 Treaty of Versailles
7:37 Instability and Kapp-Putsch
9:08 Reparations
9:48 Plebiscites
10:38 Rapallo Treaty Ruhr-Invasion and Political Instability
13:16 Beer Hall Putsch
14:27 Dawes Plan
15:51 Locarno treaty
17:35 Young Plan
18:29 Technology Art and Culture
21:09 Great Depression and Political Polarisation
23:30 The End of Democracy Hitler becomes Chancellor