War in Indochina
International Study In Peace and Conflict covering the wars in Indochina from 1946 to 1979.
HISTORCAL BACKGROUND French Indochina from the 1890s - Anti-French rebellions
THE EMERGANCE OF HO CHI MINH : Exile in France, USSR and China - Foundation of the Viet Minh - Separation of Vietnam - Bombing of Haiphong
THE FIRST INDOCHINA WAR 1946 to 1954 : Ho Chi Minh and Bao Dai - Korean War - Dien Bien Phu - Geneva Accords
THE SECOND INDOCHINA WAR 1954-1962 : Ngo Dinh Diem - Land and Social Reforms in the north and south - Elections cancelled in 1956 - US Military advisers - US involvement in Laos - Search & Destroy and Clear & Hold tactics - Strategic Hamlet programme
THE ASSASSINATION OF DIEM : Buddist protests - Diem assassination - Kennedy assassination
THE GULF OF TONKIN INCIDENT : Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - Rolling Thunder - Increase in military personnel
STRATEGIES & TACTICS OF THE WAR : US and North Vietnamese approach to war - Agent Orange - Ambushes and Booby Traps
1968 TET OFFENSIVE : Combined North Vietnamese and Viet Cong offensive - Khe Sahn - US Embassy occupation - My Lai
THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT : The television war - Protests in US and Australia
NIXON, VIETNAMISATION AND CAMBODIA : US Diplomatic relations with USSR and China - Vietnamisation - Cambodian incursion - Kent State massacre
END OF THE WAR IN VIETNAM : Paris Peace Accords - The fall of Saigon
POL POT AND WAR WITH VIETNAM : Khmer Rouge - Killing Fields - Defeat of the Khmer Rouge by Vietnam - Chinese attacks on Vietnam
Duration : 60 minutes
SENIOR : Modern History - Society & Culture JUNIOR : History - HSIE - SOSE
SENIOR : 20th Century History 1945-2000 - War & Society - Power & Conflict - Ideas & Political Change
JUNIOR : Time, Continuity & Change - History - Shaping of the Modern World - Post World War II
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0:00 Introduction
00:47 Historical Background
3:31 The Emergance of Ho Chi Minh
8:45 The First Indochina War 1946 - 1954
16:11 The Second Indochina War 1954 - 1962
23:32 The Assassination of Diem
26:36 The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
32:16 Strategies and Tactics of the War
37:32 Tet Offensive 1968
43:20 The Anti-War Movement
47:11 Nixon Vietnamisation and Cambodia
51:58 End of the War in Vietnam
56:19 Pol Pot and War with Vietnam