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Resources for Secondary and Tertiary Students
$AU 100
Egypt Old Kingdom New Kingdom Egypt
Rome Parts 1 & 2
Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii & Herculaneum
Investigating the Past: Pompeii & Herculaneum
Empire of the Incas Renaissance Italy
The Industrial Revolution
Hatshepsut Julius Caesar
Leon Trotsky Albert Speer
Weimar Republic Conflict In Europe Parts 1 & 2
Cold War Parts 1 & 2 War In Indochina
Designing & Constructing A Kitchen Renovating A Home
Environmentally Sustainable Construction
During my long career in the film industry, I have worked as a cameraman, editor, director & producer. I have edited and filmed documentaries for the ABC, Film Australia, and many independent producers. I started working at Classroom Video Australia in 1998 and there I edited a wide variety of history, geography, science, english literature and sports programmes.
Since 2007 I have produced and distributed my own ancient history, modern history and design & technology videos and remain committed to supplying quality educational resources. To buy a VIDEO or a DVD go to
Phil Sheppard

Rubicon Italy Where the magic happens Outback NSW
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