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Rhodes to Parramatta Wharf

Cycle along a route that travels along the foreshores of the Parramatta River, from Uhrs Point near Rhodes and ending at Parramatta Wharf. This ride on flat terrain is an easy 11 kilometres.
I parked at Uhrs Point, and rode north across Concord Bridge, turning right and going under the bridge on the shared pathway. When you reach the roundabout proceed along Bowden Street, under John Whitton Bridge, and along the pathway.
At Archer Creek, take the marked path on the left up to Lancaster Crescent. Ride left onto the path through Melrose Park, going left then right on Wharf Road, followed by a left along Waratah Street. This street becomes a dedicated cycleway. Follow the foreshore pathway and in a few kilometres pass under Silverwater Bridge.
Further along at Subiaco Creek the path heads north away from the river, and passes around an industrial estate. Follow the signs at Alan and Brodie Streets and rejoin the cycleway. The University of Western Sydney will be on your right. After going up the steepest hill on the track, cross to the other side of Macarthur Street, and ride across the bridge. Turn right and ride down to the pathway leading to the Parramatta Ferry Wharf. There are many cafes and restaurants to have something to eat and drink.
To return Rhodes just go back the way you came, making the whole journey about 22 kilometres.
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